Swifty Site Designer

1 Theme. 1 million designs.

Imagine a website as a collection of area’s. Such as the topbar, header, sidebar and footer.

When you have a tool that allows you to define the size, background, position and styling of each of those areas,

the combinations are endless. You have maximum freedom to create any design.


And that’s why…


“Swifty Site Designer is not
an ordinary theme.

It’s more like a theme generator.”



– Bjorn Snelders, Webdesigner

Pick one of the sample designs.

Then tweak it to perfection.

The possible combinations are mind-bending. But not to worry. We’ll get you started with dozens of inspirational designs. Just pick one you like and start modifying. From the color and font you want to use for your headlines to the position of the navigation menu and the size and background of the footer.

Mix and Match

Layout. Style. Colors

Inside you will find  a lot of different layouts. Both boxed and Wide. Pick one you like and apply different styles to it. Like what you see? Move on to the colors and choose one of the color pallets. See what happens when you click through the different color schemes. Almost right? But not quite? Just use the color picker or paste your own color code to make it just right.

Beautiful images

Use ours. Or your own.

Swifty Site Designer comes packed with images. Both big ones for your header and small ones you can use as a background pattern in any area. It even comes with a built-in pattern generator. Just pick a pattern you like and then pick two custom colors to generate the exact right look. Stripes. Dots. Flowers.


You name it. We’ve got it.

SEO friendly

We’ve done all the hard work.
So you don’t have to.

Under the hood, Swifty sites are remarkably well optimised for stellar performance in the search engines. Clever use of modern technology ensures that the websites you create will do very well in Google. When your content is up to par, it’s not uncommon to reach Google Page Speeds of 97%


Extra goodies

Delivered to you directly from our servers.

There is only so much we are allowed to put in the zipfile of the theme. And we have so much extra layouts, styles, fonts and sample designs that we want to give you. For free. That’s why we ask your permission to contact our servers to deliver you the goods.

The best thing is…

It’s free!


… as in free beer.

With in-app purchases.



Swifty Site Designer is a free theme and as such is available on the WordPress.org website. We’ve put no limit on functionality, but we do have a whole lot more additional images, layouts and styles for you that you can unlock for a small fee. This allows us to keep working on this theme. And to make more amazing products that you can benefit from.

… as in freedom.

This theme is licenced under GPL.


This means that, if you are a WordPress developer, you can take this theme and change the code. You have total freedom. Having said that, we invite you to work with us to make improvements rather than to fork it. Please mind that the Swifty brand name is not GPL and is protected by copyrights and a worldwide registered trademark.

Free, priority
& premium support.



Like everyone else, we would like to call our support ‘world class’. But we’ll let you be the judge of that. We offer free support on the WordPress.org forum that goes with this theme. When there are a lot of requests, please allow up to 7 days for us to respond. Need an answer fast? Upgrade to Priority or Premium Support (coming soon).

Part of the family

The Swifty Site family of Products that is.

The Swifty team started out on a mission to help small businesses present themselves successfully online. This theme is one small part of that. Swifty Site Designer works closely together with Swifty Content Creator and Swifty Page Manager.

All beautifully wrapped into a nice package called SwiftySite.

With this one plugin you will get easy access to the whole Swifty suite of plugins and theme.  Look for the SwiftySite plugin in the WordPress.org repository or the plugins page of your website.

Unlock the special super powers

that come with this powerful combination.